Any person who is familiar with the fungal infection, you know how much trouble it brings for the disease. In the summer, it is not possible to put on a pair of flip-flops in the home, and the legs have the shame to hide the socks. In addition to the aesthetic problems, onychomycosis brings about physical problems, and for this reason, it is important for you to "cut" the disease is still in its infancy.
On the list of places where you can be infected by a fungus that is infinite, so we have listed the ones where the risk of getting a fungal infection is the most high -:

- In the house, and when you use the centers-of-supply "in the family" (a few pair of scissors or a pair of tweezers, for all, for example).
- In the beauty salon (and home) during the process of a manicure/pedicure session of the nails, and "t". if it is not of high quality processing tools.
- In the swimming pool — when you walk barefoot in the pool or in the bathroom.
- In the public baths, the saunas, the gym.
- When the use of a common towel.
- When you use the rug in the bathroom, "all in the family".
- When used on tight, or the poor quality of the shoes.
- In spas, fitness clubs.
- When the "trade-off" of the shoe (a friend of mine who gives to this, to meet one another as well as their guests, give to put on flip-flops is one of my family members).
- If you frequently use tights/no-fusstOK from man-made fibres.
- When the contact is frequent, and, later on, ttravmirovanija feettof evye car with household cleaning products.
- When the intake of oral contraceptives or antibiotics.
That is the treatment you can assign the physician to the most effective drugs
"You found no sign of the incipient mycosis, should be referred to a dermatologist or mycologist.
A expert will determine the type of fungus, and, according to the survey, and attributes the treatment. Usually sufficient for screening, testing, scraping of tissue for research, assessment and evaluation of the thickness/structure of the nail, the definition of the type of the species.
What is the treatment for this condition?
- In the early stage , is sometimes enough to PRontandвonгрandбкonвonгon of the veneer, and cut out the parts of the nails that were struck by a fungal infection.
- When the site of treatment, use of standard antifungal drugs (for ointment, and adhesive solutions, and coatings), as a general rule, two times a day.
- The application of the medicine on the nails, it only happens after the course of treatment of the feet. First a softening of the nail from the skin in the heat of withondonвonм solution, and at least three times. After the application of the drug in a timely manner. Fast forward again, safe and hygienic procedure.
- How much is the cure? This will depend on the stage of the disease. Alsdandtü with a fungus, such as a runny nose, it is not going to work. Deal has been a long time — stock up with patience. As a general rule, this process is more than 2 months and up to 1 year.
- When the ineffectiveness of the treatments, an expert assigns a antandмandкontandкand total capital (to the inside). But it was only after a specification search, and in the absence of contra-indications. Also, do not mix with any other drug. Contra-indications: breast-feeding and, of course, pregnancy, as well as in the reception of hormonal contraceptives, renal disease, liver.
- Clerk to action. During the treatment, you will have to deal with all of your shoes (and socks, and PR.) specification/mortar that is recommended by your doctor.
- At the end of the treatment (that is, when you grow healthy finger nails) are not necessarily carried out the analysis of the control. The results show effective is the treatment or dermatophytes) are still present.
Note: nail fungus is a very tenacious "face the face". In addition to this, it is well-known, high-strength anti-fungal medications. So, be sure to cure the disease until the very end, otherwise, once again, the treatment effect is very low.
And, of course, you don't have to self-medicate. With all the medications exclusively for the appointment of an expert!
The top 10 remedies for the toenail fungus
If you have any questions about the nail fungus at the same time as the treatment is from a specialist, you can apply for one of the most popular methods. It is not recommended to carry out the turn-of-address to the doctor — you run the risk of aggravating the problem, and so is the healing process, it really is going to be long and exhausting.
So, the people who came before us, our grandparents and great-grandparents as well?
- The ointment of the fungus. Stir in the vinegar (1 tbsp/l, 70% c) + egg + dimethyl phthalate (1 (h/l) + vegetable oil (1 tsp/l). A mix of apply it on the affected area of nail to curl up on top of the polythene at the top of place x-a/b semi. This compress should be worn for 4 days.
- The Regular processing of the nail of one of the following methods: a tincture of propolis with anti-septic tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar.
- A bath for the feet. So, you can use sea salt (and preferably with no additives), infused with чandwithtonteating, yarrow, st. john's wort, oak bark, chamomile, calendula, and PR. After the bath, you should oil the nails with the juice of a lemon, iodine or apple cider vinegar.
- The iodine value. The essence of the treatment: twice per day, making for damaged nails (20 days) 1 to 2 drops of iodine. With the success of the treatment, and then move on to the processing in 1 to 3 business days.
- The kombucha. The infusion used as a compress. Enough to saturate a piece of gauze, apply the gauze and leave it for the night under a polyethylene, and a half-hearted way. You can also apply it directly on the part of the kombucha for your nails, then you have to apply a band aid and leave it for a couple of hours. After раwithпарandtü your feet and apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar (part 1), alcohol 96% (in 2 parts) and glycerin (2 parts). Leave it for the night. The course of treatment for up to 2 weeks.
- The garlic oil. Please fill out the grated garlic to the hot oil down to the full covering of the garlic. All in all the mix, tightly close, and the urge for 2 days. The essence of the treatment: a wet, cotton oil, which is applied to the patient phase, to impose a pressure bandage, support the top of the pe, we put on socks and leave it overnight. The course of 2 weeks.
- For the vinegar. Wet a cotton in vinegar (9%), applied to the node, we wrap the polyethylene, fixed to the band-aid and leave it overnight. In the morning all repeated.
- The soda чandwithtontелonм. Flying on the wings of the foot in a solution (3 liters of water + 1 tbsp/l of sodium bicarbonate), youtandраем walk oleamos patient together with your fingers in the butter, чandwithtonteating (find at the pharmacy). The course of 2 weeks.
- The cabinet of the tar. Flying on the wings of the foot, with the use of the host/soap (20 min.), wipe the feet with a pumice stone, withtрandжем your nails, wipe with a damp cloth youtandраем legs and oleamos the nail with the fingers of the birch tar. We put our feet on the newspaper for 1.5 hours and read the book. Next, remove the excess from the boy band, put the x/b-socks and let the feet in just a couple of days. In the period of my walk with the host/soap & cold water. In the evening we repeat the above procedure. The course of 2 weeks.
- Kalanchoe. Treatment: - nail paint free PRandклеandваем with the help of the patches from the leaves of Kalanchoe as well, in order to meet up with them, along with a number of holes. The adhesive лandwithtandkaмand changing on a daily basis. The course of 2 to 3 weeks.

The application of people, methods, it is only after a consultation with a specialist!
The measures for the prevention of the fungus in the nail – as if to protect them from the adversities of life?
To protect itself from the fungus, which can be a simple compliance with the rules of hygiene, and in good measure.
- In all of the locations of public beaches, a shower, a dressing room, a swimming pool, a spa, a beauty salon and a STATE.) we easily washable flip-flops. Do not walk barefoot where there is a risk that, in marriage, to the infection!
- We do not use the shoes of another person, including the size of the room in the house — better be on my toes).
- We don't use strange towels, and nail-free.
- Get out of the house, we put the legs on, and a lot of times it's wet, it's not the freshness of the first one), a rug, and his towel (in advance) to select it for such purposes).
- Regularly, we see the feet and nails to look for signs of mold growth. The smallest of symptoms (appeared from cracking/itching in between the toes, and changed the color of the nail, and PR.) we have taken steps. That is, we gain on the wing, spec/varnish / FP.
- Try not to wear tight, narrow shoes and shoes on the basis of materials of inferior quality.
- Regularly, we will process all your shoes inside of a an anti-septic.
- The feet don't sweat, use deodorant, talcum powder, and PR.
- We use x-a/b semi. If you need to, and the use of no-fusstOK/stocking products kaPRonна, and other synthetic fabrics) in the house, the car, flying on the wings of the legs, we have to try.
- In the heat, we carry shoes are open — for ventilation and cooling, and the change in the air. Sweating of the feet — to-ground for reproduction of bacteria.
- Do not measure the shoes in the stores without a sock in the head and leg.
- Wipe with a damp cloth youtandраем of the feet after bathing, including the spaces between your fingers — this is where it starts of the species.
- We don't allow any cracks on my foot — use moisturizing.
- The feet of my anti-bacterial and a mild soap.
- When you have a high risk of infection (for example, in leisure or at the swimming pool), apply the anti-fungal cream, powder or spray.
- Thoroughly dry the shoes, if it is wet. Do not put wet shoes/boots.
- We have chosen exclusively for a proven beauty treatments and pedicure/manicure.
- We do not allow враwithtanandя, and the deformation of the nails — take action in a timely manner.

It is not that hard. Sufficient for compliance with personal hygiene — and that you are protected from the fungus.
Suitable for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease possible under the supervision of a just a doctor. If you are experiencing the symptoms of anxiety, nail fungus, consult an expert!